How do I get my parents to stop smoking?

My parents have been smoking for years. I have asthma and I have a 3 year old little brother. My parents try not to smoke around us and used to smoke out of our chimney in the winter. But now we just moved into a new house, and there is no fireplace so they just smoke in the house. They Can’t afford to use those quit smoking programs and buying cigarettes 3 times a day doesn’t help. They are truly amazing people, but smoking isn’t really making a good influence on others especially my brother and I. How can I get them to stop smoking?

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    18 Responses to How do I get my parents to stop smoking?

    1. pixiedust says:

      When I was kid I used to throw my parents cigarettes down the toilet. They both ended up quitting. 😀 True story.

    2. Free2Dream says:

      hold a knife to your neck and say "keep smoking" sarcastically.

    3. sjc191. Recovering Y/A addict. says:

      tell them what you’ve just told us

    4. swifteyinbed says:

      Start smoking. Then they’ll see what a bad influence on you they are.
      be a trucker.
      ……..|………. ……..|||"|""\__

    5. Sonuvabitch says:

      If you are old enough, start smoking yourself.
      That would show the action-reaction mode parents give off to kids.

    6. Justin says:

      sit them down and tell them that you want them to stop

    7. Corall H says:

      find ways to distract them,
      get the Satellite. channels 600-700 😉 if you know what im saying.
      they keep me and my boy busy for a pretty long time;)

    8. Magicpie says:

      they dont sound amazing to me they sound selfish and moronic for smoking around a 3 year old. I smoked for 10 years and quit over 2 months using patches. They could afford to quit if they stopped smoking what you said dosant make sense.

    9. ~SexyBabay~ says:

      Well, there’s not really a way to get them to stop smoking. But there’s ways you can try. At stores they have pill things to help you stop smoking. And you could always tell them how bad it is lyke give em examples or something…. My dad Smokes lyke crazy. And he has since he was 10. He knows how awful it is but he still does it. There’s not much u can do about it. It’s an addiction. Alot of people these days smoke.

    10. superfly says:

      show them your dick then say smoking is like eating a dick disgusting and hurts other people and that guy to lol

    11. In God we trust. says:

      have your brother take an object that looks just like a cigarette and have him put it in his mouth. Then have him walk up to your mom and dad and point to his fake cigarette and say cutely : "LOOK! im just like mommy and daddy!"

      That should do it.

    12. cheerleadr12 says:

      tell them how much they mean to and what they can get if they continue smoking.

    13. Mem O says:

      Let ’em know that it’s a selfish decision as there are two underage kids living in their house, they need to consider that. Don’t tell em to just QUIT now cold turkey..tell em to narrow down the number of cigarettes they smoke a day. For example, say they smoke a pack a day..the next day get rid of 1 cigarette (so it would be one less than what they usually smoke) then the next day..another one less, and so on. That’s the best way to quit. Good luck! hope that helped.

    14. recyclebug22 says:

      Maybe if they cut down on their smoking they could afford the prescription to help them quit smoking. They have to want to quit or nothing is going to work. I am sorry to say this, but, if endangering their son’s health hasn’t encouraged them to quit, and knowing that it causes lung cancer,your out of luck, It is in their hands, they have to want it bad enough to put you first. You know I was talking to my Dr. the other day,and a patient of his had just returned from the Mayo clinic and the tests the did on her a 46 year old women showed she had the lungs of a 70 year old. I lost my father one month after his 61 birthday. He has been missed so much bhy his children and grand children’s through out their life. My mother is 74, he would have been 78. I tried most of my life to get him to get him to quit, he would say, you have to go some how. When they told him he had cancer, he tried everything thing to live. You know second hand smoke is said to be worse than what the smokers are sucking into their bodies, but they are doing it by choice, the public gets second hand smoke by their choice not ours. I hope your parents don’t wait until they have ruined your, or your brothers health or even their own before they quit the additive drug of smoking cigarettes.

    15. Rhapsody says:

      My friend quit smoking when she saw her young child take her cigarettes and put one in her mouth as if she were smoking. Please ignore the people on here you tell you to start smoking, especially since you have asthma, but it could send a powerful message if you were to pretend to. Like take a pack of their cigarettes and a lighter and put them in your room somewhere that your parents will see.

    16. Krysten G says:


    17. PokemonFan4Life says:

      OMG i have to take health, and my dad was a teen when he started smoking. he’s 52 now, and he just quit THIS YEAR.

      i cried my heart out during the videos of how bad smoking is and the diseases you can get, idk if my dad has any! It only takes 1 cigarette to mess with your brian, dude, no joke. there are over 400 chemicals in a cigarette. light cigarettes are a lie, seriously.

      how did i get my dad to agree to quit?

      i told him that he wasn’t setting a good example for me. and plus, i am 13, and he is 52, how would he grow up to see me marry my husband with cigarettes? he was lucky to not have a cancer, a lot of people are not. i cried at night when i thought about how much i loved my dad, and how much he smoked.

      are your parents overweight? my dad is, i added that onto a list of things that could shorten his lifespan to scare him into quitting.

      i didn’t yell at him to quite, i begged him to, and he saw how much i cared and that i was being nice about it, not mean.

      show them empathy and understanding. let them cut down first, then save the money thy WOULD have spent buying a cigarette and put it in a jar. they can buy something nice with it, or spend it on medicine at first. after the first 2 weeks, made no diff. to my dad

      TIP: my dad buys tons of tictacs. the takes deep breaths after letting it melt for maybe a minute. it helps get some feeling sorta like smoking in his lungs, he says.

    18. Tim says:

      Motivation is the most important factor when giving up smoking. With the right motivation anyone can stop smoking, but they have to want to do it.

      So you need to convince them that they have to stop. Choosing your timing, and exactly what you say is important. Rather than say something in the heat of a row, or when they are stressed. Say something when everyone is happy and they are least expecting a comment about their smoking. You also want to get your brother on side so he can say something too.

      You need to explain that the reason you want them to stop smoking is because you love them and you don’t want to see them killing themselves.

      No parent likes to think that they won’t see their child grow up. I knew someone who smoked heavily for years but when his 8 year old granddaughter was talking about graduation she said to him "but you won’t be there to see it grandad, you will have died by then because you smoke". He screwed up his cigarettes there and then and never smoked again.

      Any talk of starting to smoke to try and teach them a lesson is ridiculous. If you never start smoking, you’ll never have to stop.

      You say they can’t afford to use any stop smoking programs, but firstly they will save money once they have quit, so it is an investment, rather than an expense. Secondly, there are more important things in life than money. Good health and being there to watch you children grow up are two of them.

      Although it is harder to give up without professional help, IT IS POSSIBLE. Implore them to quit and tell them now you will be there to help them and I am sure they can do it.

      There are lots of free resources out there to help, either online or at health centres or hospitals (dependant on which country you are in).

      Lastly, don’t give up. Keep on at them and I am sure they will come round to your way of thinking. Then stick with them when they are quitting. Give them lots of encouragement and if they ever fail, keep
      supporting then to try again… and again. They can do this, often easier than they think.

      Remember, stick at it, you are doing the right thing.

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