What is the best way to stop smoking marijuana?

Ive been smoking marijuana for about 5 yrs. but it didnt get to be an every-day habbit until about 2 years ago. I wanna stop smoking mainly for health reasons and also im looking for a good job. What seems to be the most effective to stop smoking? Im looking for answers from former smokers (former pot-heads). Thanks.

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    9 Responses to What is the best way to stop smoking marijuana?

    1. Trevor H says:

      I’ve quit, and returned because I wanted too, but once you get past their first 2 weeks its no sweat, and getting to 2 weeks isn’t that hard, you just have to make your friends aware, and they’ll be bummed because it is a social thing and they’ll miss you, but untimely probably support you, oh yeah and smoke all the rest of your weed in one bad ass goodbye bang! because if you have it, its impossible.

    2. Mr. Dude says:

      Move to a new city. Then you won’t have any connections, and you’ll be forced to quit.

    3. Lee B says:

      One of the easiest ways is to avoid hanging around with fellow stoners until you can kick the habit. Try to find other hobbies to keep yourself busy. Exercising and working out seemed to drive me away from wanting to get stoned because I didnt want to work out when high. H to the izzo man

    4. Lisa says:

      First of all, put down the joint.
      Actually, the best way to quit bad habits (overeating, addictions, ect.) is to pick up NEW habits, that are better for you. Exercize–ie, jogging–reading, so on. I think jogging or running is GREAT for something like this, because it will elevate your seratonin level.
      When you quit, your body will be going though withdrawl of the good feelings you had, so find something else you enjoy that will produce similar feelings…hobbies, jogging/exercise, listening to music you enjoy, chocolate (in moderation, of course!), ect. Good luck!

    5. googolullage says:

      Pot is not chemically addictive. You don’t have to worry about severe withdrawal, as in heroin addiction; or DTs and seizures, as with alcohol. If you have trouble stopping on your own, you might try going to Narcotics Anonymous, or Alcoholics Anonymous, as a support group.

    6. gonad_obrien says:

      First off, throw away any paraphernalia you have, all of it. If you have any weed right now, toss that too. YUP you heard me, go get it this minute and turf it. Also if you have lots of time on your hands you really should find a hobby or something to keep you busy. For me smoking up was usually because of boredom. I worked late nights for years and there is nothing to do in the wee hours except smoke pot. You must know that if you smoke it everyday it really isn’t like it used to be, you don’t really get that high anymore anyway. You probably feel lazy most of the time and tend not to get stuff done. If you really mean it, just make up your mind and promise someone or even just promise yourself and DO IT. Trust me, a pot free life is much much better.

    7. Imaginelife says:

      Cold turkey, hon.
      Really, it’s not heroin, you of all people should know that.
      That and a change in the group of friends, aka the bagman on the corner.

    8. Northernlady says:

      You have to find a reason that is stronger than the urge to smoke. For me it was going back to college so I could increase my chances of a better job for a better life.
      You already have your incentive……. You want a good job and most jobs do drug screening on all new hires.
      It’s not easy…i had a hard time giving up my smoke but I just concentrated on my work.
      It does get easier as time goes by.
      Don’t worry, you can do it.
      Hope this helped in some small way?

    9. deepgreenart says:

      i smoked every day for years, just wasting my days away…i am an artist and it kind of went with the lifestyle… i smoked it for 15 years!
      i finally began to stop smoking dope when i stopped smoking tobacco, and discovered it was the tobacco i mixed it with that i was addicted to… but it did help that i had changed my lifestyle. i began to realise that marijuana was sapping my drive, ambition, energy, and self-esteem….i began to spend less time in the pub as well, i found i had work to do and less time to just lie around getting stoned, and also spent less time with my unemployed ne’er do well former friends!

      its not easy, but sometimes you have to kick a lot of habits at once – maybe you need to get the job to give you the impetus to get up and out, which will give you more energy and confidence, which will help to change the way you live your life…you may find that your less ambitious friends will not want you to change, because it will make them look bad, or weak….
      in the end you will have to find a way that suits you, based on your personality and your strengths…the fact that you want to do it is a good indicator that this is something you CAN do…:)
      best wishes, and good luck!!

      (btw i did start smoking again after five years, tobacco mainly, but was rushed into hospital last year after a massive asthma attack… being unable to breathe finally made me realise i kinda liked life, and i am now healthy and will never smoke anything ever again! sometimes it takes a near death experience to bring home to you exactly what is important in life…)

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