What are some successful methods to slowly and then completley stop smoking cigarettes?

I’ve been smoking for 5 years and I need to stop before, I get so addicted that can’t stop.

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    3 Responses to What are some successful methods to slowly and then completley stop smoking cigarettes?

    1. Rambo says:

      Get admitted in a hospital where smoking is not allowed .Once you stop smoking for 2 days you can continue the same for life long

    2. Kerri says:

      If you are asking this question you are addicted already.
      I stopped in 1990. I awoke one morning and did not smoke again.
      It was not easy but as each day passed my resolve became stronger.
      But I told nobody, so I was not tempted by anyone to have a smoke.
      It was a full week before I disposed of my cigarettes and lighter.

    3. Mia says:

      I don’t get it…

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