How to quit smoking completely if i smoke only one or two Cigarettes a day?

I have been smoking for 10 months and i used to smoke around 5 Cigarettes a day……Now my Fiance seriously wants me to quit smoking completely….I didn’t smoked for one whole week but then again i started smoking one or two cigarettes. Whenever i get up after sleep or sit where my friends are smoking. I feel like smoking. Please tell me how can i quit it completely….!!!!

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    One Response to How to quit smoking completely if i smoke only one or two Cigarettes a day?

    1. stelu says:

      I tried to stop smoking over and over again before finally finding a method to quit smoking that actually worked long term.
      The best way to stop smoking is to completely change your location for one week. This can be timed to go along with a vacation or you can specifically plan to be out of town or away from home for a week in order to stop smoking. The change of scenery and routine completely changes your cravings, which are largely habit based. Without your same daily routine, your craving for cigarettes will be interrupted.

      You must get through the first day. You will probably not feel the craving for cigarettes the first day because of the upheaval of your routine. To help this along, try to make your routine for the week as different from your normal day as possible. Get up at a completely different time, eat your meals at different times than you normally would and change your bedtime for he week.

      Stay busy all day and the third day will soon be over.

      After a week away, the nicotine will be out of your system and you will feel better than you have in a long time. Going home again can be stressful because you may fear that you will fall into your own patterns, In order to keep this from happening, make a new routine at home to keep you from craving a cigarette. This can mean changing which rooms you spend time in or taking a walk after dinner instead of lighting up. With a new routine, you won’t miss smoking as much. The air will smell sweeter and your food will taste better.

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