How do you get someone to stop smoking at work?

I started a new job a month ago. I was so happy because I finally got decent pay and health insurance. Unfortunately, this was too good to be true. One of my coworkers smokes in the office. I have asthma and am allergic to cigarette smoke. Everytime she lights one up, I start smothering. I told my boss in person about my health condition and all he said he’d do is put up automatic door closers on the doors around her (she smokes in the doorway of the building so she can stay by the phone). Well, about 2 or 3 weeks went by, and he’d still not put anything up. I decided to email him and tell him again. I asked him if he could ban smoking indoors completely. Well, finally he decides to put those automatic door closers on there. But guess what, she props her door open! It’s terrible!

Anyway, have any of you dealt with smokers at work. How do you get someone to stop. The bad thing is, my boss is a smoker too! So he doesn’t care! If they don’t stop, I’m going to have to find another job!
Well, about speaking to her directly. She can be very mean. She was very ugly to me at first, and then someone talked to her for me, and now she’s nice. I don’t know how she’d react if I told her to stop.
The reason she smokes in the doorway is because she’s a dispatcher. If she goes outside completely, she’ll miss a call or something on the radio.
I did talk to my boss. He’s a smoker as well and does not care about my condition. Also, if I cause a big stink about this, everyone is going to dislike me because the majority of people there seem to smoke. The other non-smokers are medics and get to get away. I’m an office person and always have to be there. Eh, it sucks. 🙁

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    18 Responses to How do you get someone to stop smoking at work?

    1. Melissah c says:

      Well most of the time smokers are the majority so the only way you can combat it is to sit down with your boss and have a serious conversation about your medical problem, but before you do, make sure you are serious about it. Dont talk to him if it "bothers" or "annoys" you. Talk to him if your health is at serious risk.

      Also, make sure you are creating a paper trail. Keep those emails and make copies. Check out your local laws. You could probably sue the living hell out of these people. There isnt supposed to be smoking in the workplace, its probably against building codes or something, i dont know. It just depends on your area.

    2. zombie z says:

      in scotland smoking in work place is banned

    3. laura_vermont says:

      I would speak to my co-worker directly.

    4. Professor Gearhead says:

      I would bring it up to the upper management if you are phsically affected by smoking and inform them of the situation. Ask them to draft a policy letter banning smoking from the working environment.

    5. WhyAskWhy says:

      Couldn’t you just ask the co-worked to smoke in a different area away from the door? Explain your health issues to her. A lot of smokers are a lot of more reasonable than you think.

    6. says:

      In America, smoking ANYWHERE in doors, even in many bars (pubs) is prohibited now.

      Ask her if she could just have the smoke outside.

    7. Pumpkin Head says:

      I’ll bet you haven’t said a word to her. Try talking to her! You have the right to speak up for yourself.

    8. lynda_is says:

      Start putting out your resume then. Document all the things you are going through because you may have a case to sue the company you are working for. Most building owners prohibit smoking in buildings, however it depends on the owner. Next time you go for an interview be sure to ask about their smoking policy. That way you won’t end up in the situation you are nin now.

    9. Debbk says:

      I live in CA and all buildings are smoke free. You need to work with state legislators to pass no smoking laws. In the mean time look for another job in a smoke free environment.

    10. Chic says:

      i know it sucks, but unless the boss bands it there’s nothing you an do really….right now because you’re new. If she’s gotta answer the phones and that’s why she props the door open..suggest answering them for her while she’s gone. That could get you into trouble though because she could take advantage of you. I would look into state laws about cig smoke at work….this could be an OSHA thing especially if you’re allergic…the only thing is you BETTER be able to back up your allergy if you call OSHA or start getting into legal stuff here.

      Good Luck…hope it helped a little bit. I’m a smoker, but I can’t STAND cig smoke inside. I smoke outside my house and I defiantly couldn’t stand it in the work place. I feel for you seriously and this is coming from a smoker. LOL

    11. piyo006 says:

      I thought that smoking in the building is prohibited by law. What state are you in? I am a smoker but I dont usually smoke in front of non smokers. I think that is very inconsiderate of them, specially in your condition. Suggest your coworker to wear a handfree headset. That way, when she have the urge, at least she doesnt has to smoke indoor and can also answer the phone. If that doesnt work, the only thing you can do is put up with them by wearing a mask or find another job. sorry pal.

    12. Irish1952 says:

      I too have asthma and am allergic to tobacco smoke. However I was fortunate to have a boss who was hated smoking with a passion. He was willing to make our department a non-smoking area after we presented him with statistics showing that there were more non-smokers in the department than smokers. We also gave him a list of those of us who had health problems because of having to breathe second hand smoke.

    13. buscha13 says:

      I thought there was a new law about smoking in the work place.
      I would contact the health department and find out.

    14. HarleyMan says:

      Did you think about bringing it up to your boss? If she does it in the first place she has no respect for anyone else in the office.

      I thought it was banned in public places? Check out your resources.
      Talk to your boss.

      Talking to her since she does not seem to care will do nothing but start a fire. And, don’t have someone do it for you. That shows weakness and you want to be seen by your fellow co-workers as a strong asset.

    15. nellie says:

      You obviously are not from Canada because most provinces if not all have smoking bans in public places and work places. Maybe you should start lobbying along with your public health department for the same laws. Other than that, there is nothing you can do about it if your boss is a smoker, it’s his company.

      You could suggest that he create a smoking room and ban smoking in any other area of the building.

    16. Lizzy-tish says:

      Smoking is banned in most public places in Ontario now as well as many work places. Since your boss doesn’t seem to be too concerned about your health problems, it should tell you something about him/her and walking the walk and talking the talk. Find out the employment standards office, as well as the health department and make a complaint. You also might complain to the Americans with Disability Act people.

      If your boss has a boss complain to him/her and if nothing is done , find another job.

      Your health is just as important as their’s and they must make reasonable accomodation.

    17. chiefy says:

      Fake an asthma attack then sue them. I’m sure they aren’t supposed to be doing that anyway.

    18. patric says:

      change jobs

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